2020 International Conference on Optical Communications (ICOC) will held as Virtual Conference during December 4-6, 2020.

The International Conference on Optical Communication as a workshop of ICTCE, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on any of the optical communication components. Optical fiber is currently the main means for high-rate transmission in communication networks, while supporting the needed bandwidth and requirements that are expected to be imposed on the front-haul network to support the 5G vision. The conference considers theoretical and experimental research in areas ranging from the fundamental properties of light to technological applications. Topics covered include classical and quantum optics, optical physics and light-matter interactions, lasers, imaging, guided-wave optics and optical information processing. Manuscripts should offer clear evidence of novelty and significance.


All accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings, a high visibility online publication, which will be submitted for indexing of Scopus, Ei Compendex, etc. 

Technical Program Chairs :

Xiaohong Huang, Prof., Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China 

Masashi Sugano, Prof., Osaka Prefecture University, Japan 

Technical Program Co-chairs :

Jie Li, Prof., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 

Pingguo Huang, Prof., Seijoh University, Japan

Contact us:

Ms. Maggie X. Xu 

Email: icoc@academic.net 

Tel: +86 180 8007 5398