Submissions to ICMET 2022 will be peer reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance to conference topics, originality, significance, clarity, etc. Accepted papers will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9679-0), which will be index by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.

Program Chairs :
Manuel Gericota, School of Engineering - Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal 
Gwo-Jen Hwang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, China 
Tenshi Hara, Saxon University of Cooperative Education, Germany 

Steering Committee :
Gregory S. Evans, University of Maryland Global Campus, Asia Campus, Japan 
Mohammed Ali Akour, A’Sharqiyah University (ASU), Oman 
Man Fung LO, The Education University of Hong Kong, China 
Marco Ho, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China 

Ms. Maggie Tang 
Tel.: +86-28-87555888