Coalesce Research Group warmly invites all the Speakers, Delegates, Researchers, Academicians, Students, and Industrialists to be a part of our "5th International Conference on Polymer Science and Biomaterials (Polybiomat-2022)”. It is a two-day conference going to be held During November 10-11, 2022 in Paris, France.

The theme of the conference is “Focusing on New Trends to Nurture Future Directions” covering a wide extent of critically vital sessions of Polymer Science and Biomaterials equally. Polymer Science and Biomaterials section will cover all the major and minor topics which help in finding solutions for Polymer Sciences and Biomaterials (Materials Science & 3d Printing, Nanotechnology and Biopolymers, Chemical Engineering & educational aspects of biomaterials) and Materials Engineers experts to be part this conference and make it a perfect platform for knowledge sharing and networking.

The conference is featured with keynote presentations, oral presentations, poster session, symposium, and international workshops. Kindly let us know your participation as a delegate or speaker at the conference. We would be honor if you could mark your presence and share your experience with the global audience of Polybiomat experts.

You can read more at: Polybiomat- 2022


 Elena Jones | Program Manager
 Polybiomat -2022
 WhatsApp: +1-864-339-0363