Meetings International invites all the participants across the world to attend 8th International Conference of Neuroscience and Therapeutics to be held during July 17-18, 2019 Las Vegas, USA. which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. Meetings International which organizing 100+ Global events in this year is delighted to welcome all the interested and enthusiastic participants across the globe to its prestigious Conference on Annual Congress of Neuroscience and Therapeutics conference which is going to be held during July 17-18, 2019 Las Vegas, USA. Neuroscience conference 2019 highlight is “Explore and Learn The Recent Trends In Neuroscience and Therapeutics Development”. International Conference on Neuroscience and Therapeutics is an expedient platform for bringing together specialized academics, brain researchers, public health professionals, scientists, industry researchers and scholars around the world and celebrating their knowledge under one roof.