Imagine a world where drug discovery moves at unprecedented speeds, clinical trials are streamlined for efficiency, and regulatory approvals are faster than ever before. Extend that vision to manufacturing and supply chain processes enhanced by machine learning and predictive analytics to ensure that treatment reaches patients not only quicker but also more safely and reliably. This is the future of pharmaceuticals, where advanced technology enhances every facet of patient care.

The transformative potential of AI is reflected in the sector’s financial outlook: the market for AI in Pharma is expected to grow exponentially, from $3.05 billion to $18.06 billion by 2029. Yet, amid the excitement, a healthy dose of scepticism about the "AI Hype" exists. Pharma professionals understand the power of the technology, but translating potential into reality requires navigating significant challenges. Pharma IQ's AI for Pharma & Healthcare Summit aims to address these challenges by going beyond the hype, presenting real-world AI use cases in drug discovery, clinical trials and supply chain / manufacturing.