Countries across the world are seeking for a sustainable, cost-effective and easily applied source of energy. It is important to come up with solutions that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are technologically feasible - hydrogen could definitely be part of the answer and become the key component of the U.S. clean energy mix in the future. China, Japan and the European Union states have been actively investing in hydrogen infrastructure development and research, and the USA seems to be lagging behind in terms of unlocking hydrogen potential.

Hydrogen has enormous potential to become an important part of a decarbonized energy system and the USA should accelerate the process of laying the policy, commercial and technological foundations for GHG-free hydrogen production and utilization.

The American Hydrogen Forum will provide a platform for relevant stakeholders from the government, research, technology and service sectors to join a clean energy debate and collaborate in searching for sustainable hydrogen economy solutions.


Unlocking Hydrogen Potential

  • The benefits and concerns of developing hydrogen economy
  • US government’s role in developing the hydrogen market in the USA
  • Creating Safe Investment Environment and ensuring Demand

Project Development in the USA

  • Financing of hydrogen projects
  • Latest developments – currently ongoing projects and future plans
  • Cost-competitiveness and better possibilities for hydrogen production and applications

Technologies and Solutions

  • Hydrogen production
  • Natural gas to H2
  • Fossil energy sources
  • Biogenic production
  • Hydrogen as by-product
  • Adapting already existing technologies and infrastructure for H2
  • Already existing gas storage and transporting facilities for H2
  • LNG-H2 mixed refuelling stations
  • Safety and potential hazards – high flammability, storage and transportation solutions
  • Need to increase the number of hydrogen stations
  • H2 as fuel for maritime

Health and Safety First

You can feel confident knowing the space you’re entering is putting your health first. ALJ Group is serious about the safety of our participants and focuses on: Mask mandate, social distancing, clean and sanitized spaces, reduced surface contact and air purification

You may also be interested in attending our preceding event
2nd AMERICAN LNG FORUM on 7-8 June 2021 at the same venue.