Design Thinking and Innovation Week 2022 is an immersive programme for creative entrepreneurs, innovation directors and business owners – introducing you to London's most innovative businesses and uncovering the latest approaches to design thinking and innovation.

Every day consists of keynote presentations, case studies, roundtable discussions and visits to the top companies who adopted the human-centered approach, where you will meet the teams behind their latest research and innovation.

This programme is designed to give you inspiration and tools for your work, to help you get an expert opinion on your current projects, and keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry.


Who attends this programme:

  • CEOs, CIOs and business owners
  • Heads of R&D, innovation and CX
  • Product managers and team leaders
  • Service and experience designers
  • UX researchers
  • Innovators and trendsetters


  • TUESDAY | 6:00-8:00 PM
  • WEDNESDAY | 10 AM-6 PM
  • THURSDAY | 10 AM-6 PM
  • FRIDAY | 10 AM-8 PM

What you will learn:

  • What methodologies and processes companies use to create new products and services
  • How to create a culture of innovation
  • Best frameworks for research, prototyping and testing ideas
  • Tools and techniques to come up with better ideas
  • How to scale Design Thinking in an organisation
  • Corporate innovation best practices
  • Latest trends and new technologies