The Green Project Competition 2021 will take place on 26th of October (first round) & 16th of November (final round & award). Over 100 qualified investors from all over the world will attend. Participants will be vetted and coached by their Advisors and qualifying projects will be presented to investors and put on the fast track to securing funding.

QPQ International's Grand Competition is not only about the competition, it is also about making your project ready for investors with the help and assessment of our experienced advisors.

The event welcomes Investors and Developers of:

  • Solar, Wind and Hydro

  • Energy Storage/Battery Storage

  • Waste to Energy 

  • Hydrogen Projects

Learn from industry leaders' best practices, get inspired by thought leaders and connect and exchange ideas with industry peers. Relevant field oriented workshops will be available for all the project holders who have submitted their projects.

Day 1: October 26th - 2021
Available exclusively for selected participating projects.

The first day of our event consists of 4 workshops. One workshop for each category: Waste to Energy, Energy Storage & Battery Storage, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen. The workshops will be led by experienced Deal Advisors who will share their insights on how they assess projects and successfully close transactions.

Following the workshops, the Deal Advisors will lead a private one-to-one discussion with participants on preparing their projects for an investor review providing valuable guidance and advice on how to make your project investor-ready and attract funding fast.

During these workshops, advisors will share information on how they vet projects and discuss their criteria to determine if a project is promising or not. These are interactive sessions and participants will be able to ask questions and get customized input. You will receive an insider guide on how to obtain financing and secure the right investor/partner for your project.

Day 2: November 16th - 2021
The Green Project Competition, open public event.

Prior to the competition, our talented advisors will select the top 2 best projects from each of the 4 highlighted categories. The selected finalists for each category will be announced at the beginning of the event on this day.

Investors will listen to the top project holder pitches, ask project holders questions and give brief feedback on each project. Following this, they will gather up for a discussion for a unanimous consensus to officially announce the winners publicly.

Winners will get fast fundraising support from the QPQ International Advisory Team.

This will be of added value for all attendees, not only the selected projects - it will provide a free possibility for everyone to see how high-profile investors think, how they make their decisions, what drives them, and how they react to the presentations. This basically will allow all attendees the full understanding of how to make their project really investor-ready and bulletproof, ready for quick financing.

For winners there is of course more added value - they will gain access to QPQ advisory team support and guidance throughout the whole fundraising process.

Registration for the main event is available NOW!

Catch valuable insights from prominent green energy investors and see how they assess the best projects!

We are welcoming applications from all project holders. Projects should register through the project submission form available on this page and via this link.

The event is being managed by Abu-Dhabi based QPQ International (QPQ) in collaboration with Abu Dhabi Global Market.

For inquiries please contact:

Click Find out more below for further information about this competition.